Wednesday 1 February 2012

Analysis of a previous student film opening

This is a previous film opening called: Signature

By watching this opening I got an idea that this is a romance or psychological thriller. The story line was interesting and very intriguing for audiences as there is an element of suspense created by the use of non-diegetic sound. I thought that sound could have been used more during this opening, because some of the footage is repetitiveness and audience can loose interest.

She appears as if she is 'sane' doing normal things
i.e. applying mascara and getting dressed.

In terms of mise en scene I liked the use of the props such as
the lipstick appliance through the mirror.

The recurring motif of the iconic rubber duck prop was filmed floating up to the hand which is the element I thought they did well. Points I thought could have been improved were the title as it appears in the end making it look as if it's a trailer and not an opening for a thriller movie. I also thought that the film title could have been changed to 'Signature Kiss' that way the storyline and footage would have linked better.

I think the font they chose went well with the storyline.
The use of italics make it seem as if it has been handwritten.

This is when the rubber duck becomes an iconic prop.
 It floats up to the hand discovering a body in the bath tub.

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