Wednesday 14 December 2011

Analysis of film openings

Here is an opening title from the film, Honey (2003)

In the beginning of the opening title, the distribution company/logo is introduced as well as added non-diegetic background music played to prepare the audience for what is coming next. 


Following the distribution company logo 'Universal', a dissolved effect is used and then we see a wide shot of the setting showing a city during the evening. This shows us where the characters are set.

0:38 seconds into the opening titles, a short title sequence follows, displaying the film production company, 

straight after, we are introduced into the scene of a club where the characters will be held as well as the title of the film name displayed on screen. In terms of music, the music is now diegetic despite it being non-diegetic while in the introduction of the distribution company logo 'Universal'. It is used as the music being played throughout the club to set the scene and to set the genre of the film.

Here, we are introduced to the main characters as the screen shot above shows. This title sequence displays the cast members in order of importance whilst showing different shots of the club scene to give the audience a feel of where the characters are set.


The dancing in the club also show off the genre of 'dance' in the opening title accompanied by the upbeat diegetic music showing it's fast pace movement.

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