Thursday 29 December 2011

Thriller Film Analysis

The Tourist

For my research task, I decided to choose The Tourist as my thriller to watch over the Christmas holidays. 

The main plot of the story is issued around the main characters, Elise (Angelina Jolie) and Frank (Johnny Depp). Elise, who is a mysterious young woman, is appeared to be involved with the police from her former lover who had stolen money from her. While she is on a train, she meets an American tourist named Frank, in which she chooses to be her decoy tricking the police into believing he is her criminal lover. However,
she is being watched and is told to take a train to Venice, Italy to meet a stranger who looks similar to her former lover, Alexander Pearce. As Frank is caught up in the drama, he has to find a way to get out of the police's way and stay alive.

 The film's opening sequence follows with Elise (Angelina Jolie) being followed by Police who appear to be speaking in a French to one another. They are sitting amongst one another spying on the young woman, Elise.

 In terms of camera, the first shot we see is of a window in a wide angled shot, shortly after we see a close up shot of a cctv camera which then follows a zoom into the window to show the audience that someone is spying/watching.

In addition, the opening sequence is crucial in telling the audience what kind of genre the film holds. In this case, we can see that the genre would suggest spies and possible action/thriller. This is emphasised by the use of mise en scene, the setting is set in Paris, France. We can see establised buildings just from first 30 seconds into the film, this shows the audience that the characters may have wealth which links to the main plot of the story regarding money.

 Light Non Diegetic piano music is played while Elise, the character being spied on is leaving her residence. This non diegetic music is used to show the audience something significant is about to happen within the scene.


Elise is given a lot of screen time, especially during the opening sequence which tells the audience that she is a main character.

Elise's character appears very mysterious throughout the film, however, her sense of mystery inspired me to write about her. She doesn't give much away about her personality which makes me want to watch/know more about her. She shares a love interest with Frank who is played by Johnny Depp.

Johnny Depp who is known as Frank in the film is an American Tourist who is introduced on a train to Venice, Italy. It is there where he awaits trouble, meeting Elise who is being carefully watched by the French Police. He is suspected to be the former lover of Elise but is in actual fact innocent in his right, although, he does have an attraction to Elise both personality and looks wise.

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