Monday 5 December 2011

Research - The conventions of Film Openings

(An example of a film opening - White chicks)
The film opening above presents the location in a wide shot, 
displaying the city scape, followed by the film title and the 
introduction to the town and characters.

  • The title of the film
  • Sense of pace
  • The director/cast
  • Music - often sets the mood and tone of the film
  • Institutional identity/logo (for production and distribution)
  • Location and setting
  • Audience introduced to the protagonist/main character
  • Diegetic and non diegetic sound combination
      Classic opening:
  • Establish a city scape
  • A building
  • Long shot of a window
  • Close up of a window
  • Into a room 
  • Meet the characters
Many films follow these conventions and these features create a successful film opening.

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