Monday 9 January 2012

Film audiences - Thrillers

Film audiences are predominately based on the genre of a film. For example thrillers on the whole have a slight male skew, they differ with cross genre and opens the audience up. Action and political thrillers also get more male skew as it contains a more masculine theme.

Romance thrillers obtain more female skew as the narrative includes the theme of love and romance, however it also attracts the male audience. This is an advantage as it connects with a wider audience.

Supernatural and psychological thrillers also have a female skew as well as an older audience ranging from the ages of 25 to 45. As it requires a level of intelligence and conscience to perfectly understand the narrative of the film. The key signifiers that supernatural films consist of are the inclusion of children and the "olden time" mise en scene.

Horror thrillers attract a younger audiences ranging from the ages of 16 to 25 as it is more about the thrill  and what is presented in comparison to supernatural and psychological films which require a level of understanding.

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