Wednesday 18 January 2012

Research and Practice - Foley sound

In todays lesson, we were introduced to foley sounds.
We watched clips and recognized that within films, sounds are amplified to emphasis sound.
For example, whilst filming someone walking, you cannot catch the sound of footsteps perfectly. So the producers re-film that scene to get the correct amplified sound. This process is used to amplify several sounds that we hear in films.

We then watched our Arlington Road re-edited clip and then decided which sounds we were going to amplify.
We considered the foot steps, background noise, cars, breathing.

After our planning, we went out with the cameras and we filmed some sounds outside to get the correct atmosphere.

After 20 minutes of filming our sounds, we
imported it into final cut pro and we listened to the
sounds we recorded.

Not all the sounds made it into the final piece but
we did get sounds of footsteps that worked
extremely well with the visuals.

We dragged the sounds from the box down to the
timeline into the correct position and ensured it
suited the clip.

During this task, we struggled to film sounds accurately without having harsh noises in the background. We also struggled to make the sounds appear seamlessly throughout the piece as you could really hear the cuts between the scenes.

Overall, we found the task very interesting and we enjoyed it. We found it a challenge to film the sounds correctly so that it would actually fit the visuals, however it has helped us as we now recognize what we have to do for the final thriller opening, in terms of sound to make it a successful piece.

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