Wednesday 4 January 2012

Thriller film analysis - Armageddon

As part of my research task, I have chosen to look at 'Armageddon'.

A Texas sized asteroid threatens to collide with the Earth in 18 days. NASA scientists plan to implant a nuclear device 800ft within the asteroid so when it is detonated, it will split the asteroid in half and it will fly past the Earth without causing damage. NASA contacts the main character Harry Stamper (Bruce Willis) who is considered to be the best deep-sea oil driller in the world, for assistance. Harry and his team, including A.J Frost (Ben Affleck) agree to carry out the mission. 
As they take on board the task, the asteroid moves dangerously and drastically closer to the Earth. It heats up the Earth, causing a dangerous rock storm damaging the bombs remote trigger. As a result, a member of the team has to stay behind to trigger the bomb manually. They draw straws and AJ. Frost is selected to stay behind, however when AJ and Harry exist the airlock, Harry takes AJ's air hose and pushes him back inside saying that it is his responsibility to detonate the bomb and he should "take care of my little girl" (Grace - Liv Tyler)

The film opening shows the view of space and presents the Earth and draws the audience into it. Non diegetic dialogue is included, explaining the situation of the Earth. 
"It happened before, it will happen again, its just a question of when" - This statement is made as the film title emerges. It immediately engages the audiences and eager's them to watch on.
 Through presenting space and the Earth, the audience can grasp the genre of the film and what it is based on. 
The non diegetic sounds of air crafts also contribute to imply the action/thriller genre.

During the opening scenes, we see the NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) team through an Aerial shot, showing the location and work force. 

There is an extreme close up of Harry's shoes before he is revealed to the audience. The idea of focusing on his shoes in a completely contrasting location, informs the audience that they will be introduced to a new character. The camera slowly pans up to reveal his face which also grabs the audiences attention as they are eager to find out who he is. 

Harry Stamper (Bruce Willis) is given most screen time as he is the main character. The opening does not include him but he is introduced through the NASA and becomes important to the team. His character appears very confident and strong through the film and manages his responsibility extremely well. In the middle and end of the film we are able to see a more personal and caring side to Harry, this draws the audience in to like him as a character. 

I particularly like this film because I feel it is not predictable and the ending is not what people expect. 
As the film involves space and the Earth, people would think that the film would solely be about that and not about the characters personal lives, however we are drawn into the relationship between Harry and his daughter Grace.

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