Wednesday 18 January 2012

The Structure Of Film Openings On Mainstream And Student Films

There are 3 basic structures of film openings: Titles Narrative, Discrete and Specialist editing.

Narrative opening with titles running throughout

The Shining (1970)

This is a narrative opening where the titles introduce the audience to the story line. In this opening title sequence the titles move with the car rather than against. The camera is stooping like a bird of prey giving the audience a threatening feel along with the music. The titles move up like credits at the end of a film the purpose of this could be intend so that the titles don't break the continuity of the film.

Panic Room (2002)

Heavy discrete titles are used. They are still and fit into the structure of the buildings. The text is slanted and isn't in your face. The title sequence fits into the screen footage and images and leads audience to the opening setting of New York city. 

Discrete Title Sequence

Flashing text is used along with creepy images. The text seems to fit in with the visuals. They play with sound and titles heavily which is usually done in post production. I think discrete title sequence will be ideal for a thriller opening , but it involves a lot of skilled editing which i will need to learn.

Titles over a blank screen followed by the narrative opening

Dead calm (1989)

This is a printscreen of the red text crossing over each other revealing the title of the film.

A list stars come after the title of the film. The titles come out of the screen and then
fade away.

The white text on black background is powerful. The eary music
signifies danger and makes the audience feel uncomfortable

Stylized Editing

Mesrine: Killer instinct (2008)

There are two different window point of views which I found deeply interesting. 
The opening contained shots from different perspectives creating mystery drawing audiences closer to the protagonist.

This is very sophisticated editing which has inspired me. This takes more time and will be done in post production  The opening leads the audience to expect something french and stylish. The opening also provides atmosphere and setting.
This opening text is written in french which suggests the setting of the opening scene.
The chosen style of text brings about an aspect of a possible crime investigation case. The white text on black background is powerful and significant throughout the opening.

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