Friday 20 January 2012

How our editing process went

What our task was
Our task was to edit, add titles and sound into our prelim. We used finalcut pro to lay down our footage onto the time line in order following our storyboard. We then included titles i.e. producers, distributors also the director. Once this had been done we imported our footage into soundtrack pro to lay on sound.

This shows how we used the image wireframe
to place our titles in correct positions

This is a screengrab of us converting our
prelim into an mpeg streamclip

This is our footage that we layed down using final cut pro

How the process went

The editing process of our prelim was enjoyable, however we faced difficulties which slowed down our editing process. We had different technical issues with the software's but they were sorted out eventually. The task gave us a true insight of how the process will be when we come to produce our final thriller opening. It really helped us familiarize ourselves more with the different software's. Despite the technical issues, we really enjoyed doing the task and I feel that we are now recognize the process of filming and editing

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